Sunday, April 01, 2007

Are you REUed?


In case the news hasn't trickled your way yet, my grant was picked up: this past Monday I learned that UNCA has been awarded an NSF grant to run a Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates program in mathematics.

I'm excited. And terrified.

What this means, of course, is that I will have to forgo sleep for a while. Maybe until August.

In the next month we'll be selecting eight talented undergrads from around the country to take part in an eight-week research program in the fields of group theory, graph theory, and geometry, all writ large. We'll hit everything from network stability to celestial mechanics.

I found out about it last Monday afternoon around 4:30 p.m. I ran home, jubilant. It was Tuesday night that the notion really started to sink in; I think I must have gotten an hour or so of sleep. Between worry over whether or not I'll be able to get everything lined up for the start of the program and these damned seasonal allergies (or is it really a cold?) I couldn't get a wink.

Ah, well.

That's all for now on that matter. I feel like I've got loads to say, but no words to say it with.


Anonymous said...


Chris said...

Nice. Good luck!