Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Partners in crime

I know a number of people (many former and current students, a good number of colleagues, and assorted folks I've never met) read this blog, but not many often comment publicly. Quite often, though, I get comments about it on Facebook or in my in-box.

This past week I got a note from a fellow who's teaching precalculus at an inner-city high school in Boston, using inquiry-based learning. He wrote me asking about the methods I'm using in my own precalc classes right now and shared some of his own (he's asked me not to post his notes, as they're very much works in progress). I'm very impressed! His notes are clever and engaging, offering students a scaffolding students can use to climb from the barest basics up to properties of advanced functions, logs and exponents, and trigonometry. You can read about his exploits here.

By comparison, my methods that are considerably less purely inquiry-based...he's doing pretty much straight-up Moore method with high-school students! Inventive and impactful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Doc! Just saw this. The scaffolding doesn't quite seem to be enough ... but we're all learning together. I'll keep you posted as soon as I can get a clear enough sense of what's happening to describe it.